While working at Brazen Animation, I had the pleasure of serving as Modeling Supervisor for a commercial spot for Pocket Gems' War Dragons mobile game. It was a fun project with a tight turnaround and a narrow runtime, but we made the most of it. I also had the pleasure of crafting the visual development sculpt for Ash, the female protagonist (production model created by Tom Jordan.)
Shout out to the modelers who worked on the project: Tom Jordan (boneforge.artstation.com) -Ash Production Model, Kevin Taylor (jmsbond007.artstation.com) -Dragonlord, Bin Li (hexaylon.artstation.com)-Hero Dragon Production Model and Yung-Lo Chang (yunglo.carbonmade.com)-Ice Dragon & Bull Dragon Production Models and Set Models.
Also a huge shout out to all of the talented artists at Brazen that contributed to the project.